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Movie review happy fun times: Mind Game March 9, 2011

Posted by physicsdm in Anime, Movies, Review.
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Hey there folks, long time no see.  I could’ve had a baby with someone since my last post (don’t worry ladies, I didn’t).  Seeing as I’m a bit too busy to be able to commit to PR (which, incidentally, warrants a follow up to Year of the NEET, but that’s another story), I’ve been somewhat lacking in subject matter.  However, after watching the movie Mind Game the other night I decided it’s time to contribute again by letting everyone out there know what kind of a watch it was.

Of course, a good place to start is a brief plot summary, minus spoilers.  Starts off pretty average and uneventful, just two old friends meeting up and heading to the main ladie’s, Myon, family yakitori shop.  After your friendly neighborhood yakuza make an appearance, things get interesting.  Due to a well aimed unfortunately aimed projectile, our main guy Nishi has to make an important decision.  With a triumphant return, he grabs his favorite pair of sisters, Myon and Yan, and makes a run for it.  After some nifty chasing, the group takes a page out of pinocchio putting them in the company of an ever so slightly eccentric old man.  The story pans out from there until the inevitable mad rush of an ending.  Overall it’s quite an intriguing story.